Thursday, September 19, 2013


Things are going very well today... okay not really. Turns out Oliver (one of our cats) has fleas! Like a lot of them too... so we had to give him a bath in dish suds in the bathtub, and do cats like water - NO! So that was pretty interesting, although he did pretty well considering... but then we had to try to find the fleas on him and pull them out (yuck!!) which is hard when you have a cat who is still wet, squirming around trying to get away, and fleas who don't wanna be yanked.... so now we have to wash almost everything, vacuum like crazy and wash Oliver every two days... he's not gonna be too happy. I'm kinda freaked out myself - if you know me, you know I hate bugs of every kind! (Last night there was a creepy black spider in my room and I was like hyperventilating!) So yeah...


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